A Workshop on Ethics and Healthy Boundaries for Clergy and Candidates for Ministry
Co-sponsored by The Conference of Baptist Ministers in Massachusetts and The Center for Career Development and Ministry
Led by The Rev. Mary Day Miller
Executive Minister, The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts
Thursday, March 30 at TABCOM, 167 Prescott Street, Groton, MA, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: $50 (includes lunch)
Healthy boundaries are a gift. They are helpful guidelines that give shape to our relationships. Life-enriching relationships, whether with our spouse, family, friends, colleagues or parishioners, require healthy boundaries.
This workshop explores the meaning and practice of healthy boundaries in the context of ministry. It will also identify the signs, dangers, and preventions of boundary violations. Topics will include:
• Power and Vulnerability
• Dating, Friendships, Dual Relationships, Gifts
• The Pulpit, Transference, Hugging and Touch, Intimacy • Personal and Professional Health (Self-Care, Red Flags) • Social Media
A “Healthy Boundaries” workshop is suggested for all persons in ministry; a “refresher” every five years is also recommended.
This workshop will meet the professional ethics requirements of the Commission on Ordained Ministry.
Advance registration is required. Please email Sylvia Lake at info@ccdmin.org and give her your name, address, phone number and any special dietary needs you might have. Or call Sylvia at 603.943.7611. You may pay by credit card over the phone. If you prefer to pay by check at the workshop, please make the $50 check out to CCDM.
If you wish, you may download a PDF copy of the flyer here.