The following links will take you to some useful resources outside our web site

  • TABCOM is the association of American Baptist Churches in Massachusetts of which BSW is a constituent member.
  • is the national organization of American Baptist Churches throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
  • Conference of Baptist Ministers in Massachusetts is an organization of American Baptist Clergy in Massachusetts that provides numerous benefits and services to its members.
  • MMBB is an inter-Baptist financial services organization providing resources and guidance for clergy compensation and pensions.
  • American Baptist Women’s Ministries of Massachusetts is an organization that serves American Baptist Women and their ministries throughout Massachusetts.
  • The Center for Courage and Renewal provides support programs for clergy and other professionals in demanding occupations.
  • Not sure where to begin for this week’s sermon? Looking for commentaries and resources on lectionary texts? The Text This Week is a gateway to many valuable and useful resources for preachers. It includes commentaries written by seminary professors, lectionary resources, and topical abstracts from academic journal articles.
  • The Library of Vanderbilt Divinity School provides this online resource listing the Revised Common Lectionary texts for the entire year. The texts can be easily formatted and printed for your use in church. Also featured are suggested hymn choices for each week, and topical prayers.