ABC-USA Bi-Annual (virtual) Meeting
The Ministers Council, American Baptist Churches USA is holding a two-session online “Virtual” meeting. The first session is on Thursday, October 29th, and the second session is on Thursday, November 5th. Both sessions begin at 4pm Pacific Time, 6:00 p.m. Central, and 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
The meeting will include opportunity for devotion, prayer, music, and fellowship. If you would like to join either one or both of these sessions, please click here to access the registration form.
From the event flyer:
We all long to be faithful to the roles God would have us take on in the demanding Day in which we live. We hunger for clarity about our distinct duties, and often need encouragement – even bold blessing – to take on God’s appointed task. As clergy, we find ourselves often with the opportunity to support others in claiming their work.